Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Spring Break '16

Oh man Spring break was a blast that flew by in a flash. A comet of good times one could say. Started the weekend with a yummy grilling night!

We went to the St. Paddy’s Parade in the Delano District in Wichita. OH my goodness it was SO FUN! EVERYONE in town was there. OR so it seemed.

 After about 30 to 45 min into the parade the girls were getting hungry so we just found a cute little pizza place on the parade route. Piccazo’s Pizza. I highly recommend it. HUGE HUGE HUGE pizza.

They only serve one size and it is actually called Ginormous. Over $45. You can ALSO order by the HUGE slice J which we all did. And that was a plate full. SO YUMMY.

Sunday we went to visit Tony’s folks in Wamego. We visited and then went to the Wizard of Oz museum. It was pretty cool!!

We even saw a beautiful rainbow on the way home. The girls were so excited!

I took the girls to the Zoo on Tuesday.

Then I got sick. Head cold, sneezing, coughing. THE YUCKY STUFF! I am still trying to get over it. I have a call into the Doctor so maybe she will be nice and call me in something. 

All in all it was a great spring break with my loves. I am really blessed!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Oh to blog

So this blogging is going so hot. LOL I use to blog so much and now when I go to blog I find myself thinking. "MAN I got nothing interesting" or "No one wants to hear about this or that."

I really need to just blog for me and my family because we are blessed and have great little adventures. At some point they all start to blend together because, well I am human and my memory gets fuzzy.

Blog 3 times a week. Even if it is just to say what we did for the week. (some weeks are just that) getting through the days. Others are silly and wonderful.

So today is Wednesday. Hump day!! Always love being halfway done with the week. But the better news is Spring Break is next week and I am just chomping at the bit to have time off. I am taking 5 days. 2 are paid for by the college and 3 are my own vacation days. Not too bad if I do say so myself. I have to work on the Friday of Spring Break so I am starting my week off this Friday. So this is my Thursday and tomorrow is my Friday!!! Happy Dance!!

The weather is looking to be awesome on our days off too. Lower 80s. I want to take the girls to the Zoo one day, and maybe the Great Plains Nature Center. There are a few projects around the house I have been neglecting too. So I will throw in some Adulting during my time off. I know we will be grilling up most nights if I have it my way :)

NOW I just have to make it through today and tomorrow... Oh the torture.