Thursday, October 29, 2015

Updates and Camp out recap

You will be happy to know Johnny Appleseed is safe and sound in the front yard. Tony talked his sweet talk and they could work around it. I know you were waiting on baited breath about that one. :)

Tay was on the Honor Roll this quarter!! So proud of her hard work. 

We are on the week after the Fall Family Camp out and WOW it was a good one this year. Thursday we show up at the grounds around 2pm. Grandpa already has the tarps up for the tents and to protect us for the chance of rain in the forecast. We are thankful he did because the rains came!

The evenings are always a fun time. Cooking around the fire. Drinking some festive spirits. Playing with glow sticks and being free in the wild! 

 And of course carving our pumpkins!!!!! (we didn't get to take them home due to an invasion of ants)

The kids always find ways to help out... 

Oh the Boat adventure................................ Everything was good and windy. We were on the great Fall River Lake enjoying the COLD breeze and sunshine. Laughing and enjoying ourselves till the motor over heated. We were stuck out in the middle of the lade with no power! That was OKAY we had Tony and Noah to row right??. yeah YOU try rowing a pontoon boat full of people. It worked though and we made it to a boat ramp and called for help. What an adventure!!

 It was such a great camp out full of stories, food, laughs, tears (by the tired kids) stickers stuck in the dogs fur (that got OLD), many walks, sweet notes written on leaves and just memories being made. This was a camp out to remember. 
I know it is one I will never forget! 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Walks with Her

As I am on this journey to become more healthy and active, I have been taking more walks. Walks are always more fun with company. Baylee is a great walking buddy. She can go for MILES!! We have great talks (she does most of the talking) But I learn a lot about her and we become closer.

Then there are times I can get my little pumpkin to walk with me. She is more into the adventure of the walk. Exploring and finding cool things and not so much on the mileage. But I will take what I can get. 

Those walks are moments I store in my heart because as with Bay I get great talks with her. How she feels about things, and how she dreams and imagines so magically. 

Oh this walk we found awesome signs of Fall and saw some wild life. It was a great start to the season AND we got in 3.25 miles. Not too bad!!! I can't wait for the next one. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

New do!!

I chopped off the old and am here with the new! New Do that is!!! Feels good and fresh. Don't get me wrong I LOVED my long locks but this feels really nice. Like a weight has lifted. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Johnny Appleseed

When Taylor and I lived in the apartments she LOVED planting any seed we got our hands on just to see if it would grow. Well we planted lemon seeds, avocado seeds, apple seeds. Our apple seed and avocado seed grew. The apple started getting BIG, so we keep moving him to a bigger and bigger pot. When we moved in with Tony we ended up planting him out in the yard.

Taylor named him Johnny Appleseed. Well Johnny is doing pretty good. We have talked about future apple picking and the joys of having an apple tree in our front yard. We water him and love him.

Just this week a note was put on our door that they are repairing gas lines in our neighborhood. When I look into the neighbor's yard that they have started on I see the front is ALL dug up.. then I look over at our yard and the is right where Johnny is!!!! Tony said they will cut or knock down anything in their way and they have the right to do so.

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We must save Johnny! Taylor would be so upset ... So I begged Tony if he has time today to put Johnny in a large planter and we can either replant him or keep him inside for the winter. I just hope we can do it in time before they start digging!

So stay tuned on the saga that is Johnny Appleseed.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Fall is here people. We have been enjoying the cooler temps with walks around town and walk paths. We have decorated the front of the house but not much in the inside yet. That needs to happen soon because Halloween is right around the corner! 

BUT before that the Fall camp out is going to happen and that is where my mind and heart has been lately. Planning and day dreaming about the cool days by the fire cooking hot dogs and smelling all the awesome meals my Dad makes over the fire. Snuggling in the tent and howling at the moon!!! Doesn't get any better than that!
Time is just flying and I better slow down before it passes me by! This is my favorite time of year if you didn't catch that already.