Thanksgiving came and went. Turkey and all the fixins were so good! Time with family was good but went too quick! I was sad because Tony and Baylee couldn't come so some of my family was missing. When I got home I rested and got Christmas decor in the house ready to put up!! Only thing up so far is our little tree! The bigger one will be later.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Kitty turkey time
Well the kitties have been doing really well outside. Okay well..... At first they were begging to get let back in! But as soon as Tony cut a whole in the garage door they were home free! We have beds in there and the food and water dish. Cozy pozy!!!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Currently we are living in a zoo. Let me lay it out for you. INSIDE we have 2 fish, 2 lizards, 2 dogs and 3 cats. Tony has always said he is allergic to cats but has been doing fine for the 1 we have had them. ( we took them in from Jeremy because his girlfriend is allergic) I didn't want them to be sent off to a shelter to die because lets be honest. They are old cats. No one wants old cats.
Well recently Tony's allergies have been going CRAZY. He is so miserable I just feel awful. We have decided to buy them a cozy cat house and fill it with lots of hay and blankets and transition them to outdoors. Taylor and I have talked about how they may do well and may not. One or more MAY run off or get out and get run over. She understand but would rather take the chance of them being here with us in the yard than in a scary pin of a shelter. I agree...
So the search is on for a kitty house they can snuggle in. Fatty has been loving his outdoor time. He now sits by the back door meowing so we will let him out. Noble and Babygirl are not as excited. They will go out but after about 10 min they sitting by the back door meowing to get back in. But good ol Fatty will be rolling around in the grass. :) So we know he will be ok.
Time will tell. Wish us luck!
Well recently Tony's allergies have been going CRAZY. He is so miserable I just feel awful. We have decided to buy them a cozy cat house and fill it with lots of hay and blankets and transition them to outdoors. Taylor and I have talked about how they may do well and may not. One or more MAY run off or get out and get run over. She understand but would rather take the chance of them being here with us in the yard than in a scary pin of a shelter. I agree...
So the search is on for a kitty house they can snuggle in. Fatty has been loving his outdoor time. He now sits by the back door meowing so we will let him out. Noble and Babygirl are not as excited. They will go out but after about 10 min they sitting by the back door meowing to get back in. But good ol Fatty will be rolling around in the grass. :) So we know he will be ok.
Time will tell. Wish us luck!
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Updates and Camp out recap
You will be happy to know Johnny Appleseed is safe and sound in the front yard. Tony talked his sweet talk and they could work around it. I know you were waiting on baited breath about that one. :)
The evenings are always a fun time. Cooking around the fire. Drinking some festive spirits. Playing with glow sticks and being free in the wild!
And of course carving our pumpkins!!!!! (we didn't get to take them home due to an invasion of ants)
It was such a great camp out full of stories, food, laughs, tears (by the tired kids) stickers stuck in the dogs fur (that got OLD), many walks, sweet notes written on leaves and just memories being made. This was a camp out to remember.
Tay was on the Honor Roll this quarter!! So proud of her hard work.
We are on the week after the Fall Family Camp out and WOW it was a good one this year. Thursday we show up at the grounds around 2pm. Grandpa already has the tarps up for the tents and to protect us for the chance of rain in the forecast. We are thankful he did because the rains came!
The evenings are always a fun time. Cooking around the fire. Drinking some festive spirits. Playing with glow sticks and being free in the wild!
And of course carving our pumpkins!!!!! (we didn't get to take them home due to an invasion of ants)
The kids always find ways to help out...
Oh the Boat adventure................................ Everything was good and windy. We were on the great Fall River Lake enjoying the COLD breeze and sunshine. Laughing and enjoying ourselves till the motor over heated. We were stuck out in the middle of the lade with no power! That was OKAY we had Tony and Noah to row right??. yeah YOU try rowing a pontoon boat full of people. It worked though and we made it to a boat ramp and called for help. What an adventure!!
It was such a great camp out full of stories, food, laughs, tears (by the tired kids) stickers stuck in the dogs fur (that got OLD), many walks, sweet notes written on leaves and just memories being made. This was a camp out to remember.
I know it is one I will never forget!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Walks with Her

As I am on this journey to become more healthy and active, I have been taking more walks. Walks are always more fun with company. Baylee is a great walking buddy. She can go for MILES!! We have great talks (she does most of the talking) But I learn a lot about her and we become closer.
Then there are times I can get my little pumpkin to walk with me. She is more into the adventure of the walk. Exploring and finding cool things and not so much on the mileage. But I will take what I can get.
Those walks are moments I store in my heart because as with Bay I get great talks with her. How she feels about things, and how she dreams and imagines so magically.

Monday, October 19, 2015
New do!!
I chopped off the old and am here with the new! New Do that is!!! Feels good and fresh. Don't get me wrong I LOVED my long locks but this feels really nice. Like a weight has lifted.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Johnny Appleseed
When Taylor and I lived in the apartments she LOVED planting any seed we got our hands on just to see if it would grow. Well we planted lemon seeds, avocado seeds, apple seeds. Our apple seed and avocado seed grew. The apple started getting BIG, so we keep moving him to a bigger and bigger pot. When we moved in with Tony we ended up planting him out in the yard.
Taylor named him Johnny Appleseed. Well Johnny is doing pretty good. We have talked about future apple picking and the joys of having an apple tree in our front yard. We water him and love him.
Just this week a note was put on our door that they are repairing gas lines in our neighborhood. When I look into the neighbor's yard that they have started on I see the front is ALL dug up.. then I look over at our yard and the is right where Johnny is!!!! Tony said they will cut or knock down anything in their way and they have the right to do so.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We must save Johnny! Taylor would be so upset ... So I begged Tony if he has time today to put Johnny in a large planter and we can either replant him or keep him inside for the winter. I just hope we can do it in time before they start digging!
So stay tuned on the saga that is Johnny Appleseed.
Taylor named him Johnny Appleseed. Well Johnny is doing pretty good. We have talked about future apple picking and the joys of having an apple tree in our front yard. We water him and love him.
Just this week a note was put on our door that they are repairing gas lines in our neighborhood. When I look into the neighbor's yard that they have started on I see the front is ALL dug up.. then I look over at our yard and the is right where Johnny is!!!! Tony said they will cut or knock down anything in their way and they have the right to do so.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We must save Johnny! Taylor would be so upset ... So I begged Tony if he has time today to put Johnny in a large planter and we can either replant him or keep him inside for the winter. I just hope we can do it in time before they start digging!
So stay tuned on the saga that is Johnny Appleseed.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fall is here people. We have been enjoying the cooler temps with walks around town and walk paths. We have decorated the front of the house but not much in the inside yet. That needs to happen soon because Halloween is right around the corner!
BUT before that the Fall camp out is going to happen and that is where my mind and heart has been lately. Planning and day dreaming about the cool days by the fire cooking hot dogs and smelling all the awesome meals my Dad makes over the fire. Snuggling in the tent and howling at the moon!!! Doesn't get any better than that!
Time is just flying and I better slow down before it passes me by! This is my favorite time of year if you didn't catch that already.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Well kids......I turn 35 today! I have had mixed feelings about this birthday. It really hasn't bothered me much but still with a 10th or 5th birthday you always kind of ponder where you life is at and what you thought you would be doing with your life at this age. Like most things, I am not where I had imagined I would be at this OLD age. I still feel like there is so much I want out of life and that I still have plenty of time.
To be honest that is very true for some things. BUT time is running out for others. I have to be OK with that. My life has taken some twists and turns, ups and downs. Who's hasn't??? I do have many blessings in my short life. SO many blessings. 35 is going to be an awesome year! It is going to be the year I take my health back! Mentally and Physically.
My goal in my later 30's is to LET GO! I can only control me, how I feel and react.
To be honest that is very true for some things. BUT time is running out for others. I have to be OK with that. My life has taken some twists and turns, ups and downs. Who's hasn't??? I do have many blessings in my short life. SO many blessings. 35 is going to be an awesome year! It is going to be the year I take my health back! Mentally and Physically.
My goal in my later 30's is to LET GO! I can only control me, how I feel and react.
God has already written my story, I am just living it.
Tonight Tony and I are child free so we are hitting the big City of Wichita and going to one of my Fav. Mexican restaurants and enjoying each other's company and margaritas!!!!
Hurry up 5 o'clock!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Finally after a week of sick not sick I think i am finally feeling back to myself. I HATE feeling sick and basically being under the weather just plain sucks! This Labor Day Holiday was not what I had imagined in my head but hey that is how life goes. I have been taking my vitamins and drinking my fresh pressed juice. YUM
Taylor is 9 and had a great weekend with her Daddy. The family went down to Oklahoma and took her to Frontier City. So Cool!! She is so spoiled but not too bad.. hahahaha. One think about Taylor is she is spoiled more than some but she truly shows gratitude and doesn't just expect her gifts. She makes sure she gives out plenty of hugs and thank yous when she is given things.
I got her back yesterday afternoon and she helped me clean house. Well I cleaned and she mopped and picked up. She helped me make fresh juice and even tried them as they came out of the juicer. Surprisingly she liked the cucumber apple combo.
Well since this week started a day late we are just that much closer to Friday! YAY!!
Taylor is 9 and had a great weekend with her Daddy. The family went down to Oklahoma and took her to Frontier City. So Cool!! She is so spoiled but not too bad.. hahahaha. One think about Taylor is she is spoiled more than some but she truly shows gratitude and doesn't just expect her gifts. She makes sure she gives out plenty of hugs and thank yous when she is given things.
I got her back yesterday afternoon and she helped me clean house. Well I cleaned and she mopped and picked up. She helped me make fresh juice and even tried them as they came out of the juicer. Surprisingly she liked the cucumber apple combo.
Well since this week started a day late we are just that much closer to Friday! YAY!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Not going well
Well blogging hasn’t been going so hot. But in my defense I
was super busy with Taylor’s Slumber party and then getting sick.
First let’s start with Taylor’s party. It went really well.
She got to invite 3 friends and we got a hotel room with snacks, pizza, drinks
and cupcakes. There was an indoor pool that was the main part of the party and
they played twister, did nails and face masks. Fun was had by all and I was one
tired Momma when it was all over. Sunday we just vegged out.
THEN Monday hit…………… I woke up not feeling quite right. I
took a shower then got super dizzy and threw up. YUCK! I just started to feel
worse and worse after that. I stayed home Monday and Tuesday. I wish I could
have another day but I knew I needed to be back at work and my fever was gone
so I made it happen. It is Wednesday but feels like Monday and I am just tired
and grumpy.
At lunch time some jerk parked so close to my car that I
could not get into it. I had to try and unlock it and walk around and climb
over the passenger side in a SMALL mustang. OUCH… that just didn’t help my day!
Friday, August 21, 2015
Hello Friday
The weekend is licking my heals and I am ready for it. This was the first week of school at work and the college is hustling and a bustling!! I have been joking that I am drowning in dead trees! TOO MUCH PAPER on my desk!! But the days sure go by fast!
No real plans for this weekend. Taylor is with her Daddy and Tony works Sunday. I plan on going through Taylor's clothes again and maybe mine too. I want to take some walks if the weather is decent. I sure have the FALL FEVER..I know I just said that but I can't help it!
So I may have to make some pumpkin chili or pumpkin muffins and snuggle up with a good book thinking of cool temps. and camping trips!
No real plans for this weekend. Taylor is with her Daddy and Tony works Sunday. I plan on going through Taylor's clothes again and maybe mine too. I want to take some walks if the weather is decent. I sure have the FALL FEVER..I know I just said that but I can't help it!
So I may have to make some pumpkin chili or pumpkin muffins and snuggle up with a good book thinking of cool temps. and camping trips!
School Days
Well the first day came and went and all is well. Taylor loves her class and new teacher. She was pretty excited to go today. They were doing a science experiment on what can keep an apple from turning brown. They had lots of liquids to choose from. She chose apple cider vinegar. The teacher chose mountain dew! I am interested to hear the results.
Here are a few shots of the first day.
Here are a few shots of the first day.
Now get ready to tear up.......or maybe that is just me!!!!!
I love that little stinker!!! That smile is the best thing on earth!
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
A year later!
So looking at my last post and a year has flown by. I tried to start a blog on word press but I just couldn't get the hang of it. So instead of copy and pasting all that over I just decided to let you know I am starting back with good ol' blogger! I didn't post much on word press anyway.
SO............we moved in and life is good. It has been a year. Taylor has finished second grade and Baylee has taken on middle school. Tony got let go from the college and last you knew I was being let go as well. WELL I got hired on in the Human Resources office at Butler and LOVE IT!! They keep me busy and I just think this will be my forever home. In September I will have been at Butler for 8 years. The longest I have ever worked anywhere. Tony still is busting his buns at the fire station but he also manages a local restaurant. The Chop House. He is really good for that place and has more passion to make it a great restaurant. My only complaint is that he works too much!! But I also love that about him.
School starts tomorrow for Taylor. 3rd Grade! We have a bunch of new clothes and some shoes. She just came down with strep throat this last weekend so she couldn't go to the ice cream social last night, but since she has been on meds for 24 hours she will be good to go to school the first day. Thank Goodness! That would be the pitts if she was sick the first day!
Baylee is going to be in 7th grade and they don't start till Thursday. That gives the 6th graders time to get use to the new middle school. She is all set with new clothes and shoes too. They are both growing up so FAST!! I don't think either of them are ready for school to end. I kind of am, but only because I am ready for FALL.
My favorite season of all time. That deserves a post all its own :)
Feels good to be back blogging..I will see if I can keep it up this time.
SO............we moved in and life is good. It has been a year. Taylor has finished second grade and Baylee has taken on middle school. Tony got let go from the college and last you knew I was being let go as well. WELL I got hired on in the Human Resources office at Butler and LOVE IT!! They keep me busy and I just think this will be my forever home. In September I will have been at Butler for 8 years. The longest I have ever worked anywhere. Tony still is busting his buns at the fire station but he also manages a local restaurant. The Chop House. He is really good for that place and has more passion to make it a great restaurant. My only complaint is that he works too much!! But I also love that about him.
School starts tomorrow for Taylor. 3rd Grade! We have a bunch of new clothes and some shoes. She just came down with strep throat this last weekend so she couldn't go to the ice cream social last night, but since she has been on meds for 24 hours she will be good to go to school the first day. Thank Goodness! That would be the pitts if she was sick the first day!
Baylee is going to be in 7th grade and they don't start till Thursday. That gives the 6th graders time to get use to the new middle school. She is all set with new clothes and shoes too. They are both growing up so FAST!! I don't think either of them are ready for school to end. I kind of am, but only because I am ready for FALL.
My favorite season of all time. That deserves a post all its own :)
Feels good to be back blogging..I will see if I can keep it up this time.
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